The Flying Ship ARON

Designated as National Core Technology
Create Innovative Technology Development Success of Flying Ship
Certified as Ship by IMO / Ministry of Marine and Fisheries

Innovative Company

Aron Flying Ship Ltd. is a company that specializes in the development and production of WIG CRAFT
Formally recognized as an Innovative Technology company by the Korean government, Aron Flying Ship Ltd. develops, manufactures and supplies world-class WIG Crafts. Utilizing the latest in maritime and aeronautical technologies, they have been able to see past the boundaries of traditional WIG Craft technology to introduce the next generation of WIG Craft that will change the way we think about maritime transport and operations.


Innovative Technology

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My Work

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet et sapien sed elementum egestas dolore condimentum. Fusce blandit ultrices sapien, in accumsan orci rhoncus eu. Sed sodales venenatis arcu, id varius justo euismod in. Curabitur egestas consectetur magna vitae.

Say Hello.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet et sapien sed elementum egestas dolore condimentum.